Always enjoy your observations, Bob! And your enthusiasm for and curiosity about our natural world. But I sure hope you didn't touch the pink & green poison ivy!

Could the mysterious eyes have been a deer? There still are some very small fawns.

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I didn't touch it! I see poison ivy all of the time! the color through me off.

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Agree--all the hallmarks: three leaves on each stem, widely serrated edges, in fall colors.

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As for your sound, I'd guess juvenile owls. Great horned or Barn Owls, maybe?



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And thanks for the CD!

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Hah! You bet! Thought you might enjoy/appreciate the songwriting. There's a few tracks that didn't make it onto the CD and they're worth listening to as well, if you're so inclined. You'll find them on his bandcamp site, which I think is on the CD. If not, let me know and I'll point you there.

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Leaves of three.......

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Was going to say like Larry. Seems like poison ivy

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I just read Merle’s post. Why didn’t I read it before? Because I’m a nimrod. I think Merle nailed it with the GHOW. That’s because he’s a wizard.

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Bob, the mysterious sound is an owl. It’s a bit subdued, but it is most likely that of an immature Great Horned Owl. Barred Owls can produce similar calls. An Eastern Screech Owl wouldn’t be in the contest. Barn Owls make many interesting sounds, but I’m guessing they’d be rare in your neck of the woods. They certainly are where I hang my hat. Thanks for the challenge, which allowed me to say, “But what do I know?”

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Most excellent! Thanks.

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My horticultural professor friend confirms your mystery plant is not edible nor suitable for bouquets for your sweetheart. Pretty nice to look at, but not pretty nice to touch. I've got clusters of the poison ivy going through the same color sequencing with fall.

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Enjoyed this nature walk and the soundtrack. I know my granddaughter would love to have that post hole digger for replacing her fences. Glad you didn’t pick the poison ivy.😊

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