I'd love to hear what you finally decide that first mushroom is. I've seen photos of similar ones but none with those particular characteristics. Cool.

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I'll let everyone know if the biologists weigh in!

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Have you harvested any of the oysters, they really good to eat.

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They are so beautiful I want to leave them for others!

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Yes, a REMARKABLE world, Bob! And I admire your energy and ability to capture and share your experiences!

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And I yours Larry!

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So much unbelievable right before our eyes (and ears)

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So posting those Merlin app clips is very clever. You need to come up to DeSoto and turn that on—you’ll be amazed.

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The turkey in the sound clip is "shock gobbling" at the crow calls. Due to heightened testosterone levels in the spring they will gobble at about any loud noise (crows, owls, truck doors slamming, etc) in the mornings or evenings.

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Hi Bob, that first fungus sure looks like witch's butter. The second one is scarlet cup fungus. That insect battle is a junebug on one side and some other type of beetle larvae - maybe a firefly.

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